What To Shred in Laurel, MD
Laurel Paper Shredding Service can help you shred anywhere from one to one hundred boxes worth of papers in minutes. Our Maryland contractors have industrial shredders that are designed to destroy documents rapidly and effectively, even with staples, clips, and rings still attached.

Your confidential records can be easily shredded without the interruption of your normal business functions. We are committed to saving your Laurel business time, money, and man-hours. We will set you up with a more cost-effective option compared to managing your own machines, space, and employees.
Why take a risk? Shred it. We hand you a Certificate of Destruction for each visit.
A smart business tactic is to make a list of the types of records that should be shredded and distribute it throughout the office. Here are some of the documents you absolutely need to shred:
Operations Information:
- Proprietary Data
- Purchase Orders
- Procurement Requests
- Supplier Lists
- Corporate Records
Sales/Marketing Materials:
- Customer Lists
- Prospect Lists
- Drafts of Sales Strategies
Legal Documents:
- Expired Contracts and Legal Documents
- Legal Correspondence
- Insurance Agency Records
- Credit Card Statements and Receipts
- Bank Statements
- Unused Checks
- Customer Lists
- Budgets
- Internal Accounting Reports
- A/R and A/P Printouts
Employee-related Documents:
- Outdated Medical Records
- Training Manuals
- Personnel Issues (performance appraisals, disciplinary reports, etc.)
- Payroll Documents
- Documents Containing Employee Addresses and Personal Information
The documents listed above all need to be shredded before you throw them out, but this is not an exhaustive list. Any document (physical or digital) containing personally identifiable information must be shredded or otherwise destroyed before being thrown away.
Get Free Quotes for On Site Shredding, Off Site Shredding, Hard Drive Shredding, and Document Scanning Services in Laurel, DC, and Baltimore!
When it comes to your privacy, it is much better to be safe than sorry. Take the proper precautions and destroy your personal information before it gets in the wrong hands. Laurel Paper Shredding Service will help ensure your safety by helping you shred your documents to bits. Call us today at (240) 560-5105 or fill out the form on the left for free quotes!
14300 Cherry Lane CT
Laurel, MD 20707
Phone: (240) 560-5105
E-Mail: info@laurelpapershreddingservice.com